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The IMPREXive game shows how forecasts can help manage water-related risks

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Your city

Can you protect your city from flooding?

In the IMPREXive game, players are given a job as incident commander for flood forecasts. Based on sometimes conflicting information provided by a team of forecasters and a group of decision makers, they have to determine how to react to different predicted weather scenarios. Points are scored by making the right decisions at the right time. Only solid analytic skills and smart decisions will see them keep their city safe!

Protect the city

Take THE RIGHT decisions

Take the right decisions

For simplicity, players in our game take decisions about events in the following days. But the issues the game addresses are equally relevant to seasonal timescale forecasting. Instead of making a decision about tomorrow, it could be for the next 3-month season. And instead of flood risk management, the application could be irrigation for agriculture or environmental management. The lessons of the game are just the same.

Take the decisions

Don’t get flooded with forecasts!

As a so-called ‘serious game’, the IMPREXive game is more than a fun pastime. It wants to draw attention to the role forecasts can play in managing the water-related threats we currently face as well as the ones we will be facing in a changing climate. That is why the game shows different ways of interpreting hydrological forecasts. It also spotlights the challenges involved in making decisions based on such forecasts, such as managing uncertainty and balancing risk and reward. Players often find that landing a spot on the leader board is much harder than they had expected!

Become a leader

But don’t worry if you don’t score as well as you would like first time. The game has multiple scenarios, so play again and tackle a new situation armed with what you have learnt.

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